
Top 10 U.S. Social Media Influencers in Energy & Environment

Using our extensive media database, we compiled a list of the top 10 social media influencers throughout the United States and operating in the Energy & Environment space. Our solution makes it easy to find — and connect with — the influencers that matter to you.

Create custom media lists that are automatically updated, send multimedia emails, and track who opened emails and where they clicked, all right from the platform itself. And our module, Influencer Streams, shows you exactly what influencers are talking about on social media, so you can personalize pitches and amplify your message.

*Data as of July 2022

Naomi Klein

1. Naomi Klein


Bio: HTCE. On 🔥. This Changes Everything. The Shock Doctrine. No Logo. Gloria Steinem Chair in Media, Culture and Feminist Studies at Rutgers U. Not that Naomi.

Followers: 698K

US Top Social Media Influencers in Energy Environment

2. Prof. Katherine Hayhoe


Bio: Not suspicious, just Canadian. Climate scientist, Chief Scientist @nature_org, polisci professor, knitter, pastor’s wife, @joinsciencemoms. UN Champion of the Earth

Location: Texas Tech University

Followers: 223K


3. Anas Alhajji


Bio: Keynote Speaker and Woodworker. Everything Energy |English/Arabic Tweets| #Oil_History

Location: Dallas, USA

Followers: 120K


4. Amy Harder

Bio: I’m executive editor of Cipher @CipherClimate by @Breakthrough
Energy, with my weekly Harder Line column. Former @Axios, @WSJ, @UChiEnergy, @nationaljournal.

Location: Dallas, USA

Followers: 53K


5. Jesse Jenkins


Bio: Macro-energy systems engineering, optimization, and policy w/a focus on electricity. Prof @EPrinceton (MAE) & @AndlingerCenter. PI of ZERO Lab. Personal account

Followers: 59K


6. Mark Z. Jacobson


Bio: Prof-Civil & Env Engineering; Director-Atmos/Energy Program; Research-climate, air pollution, clean/renewable energy; Cofounder-Solutions Project/100% Movement

Location: Stanford University

Followers: 36K


7. Daniel Yergin


Bio: Author: The New Map: Energy, Climate & Clash of Nations – amzn.to/3hnySbC; The Quest; The Prize; Pulitzer Prize winner; Vice Chairman S&P Global

Followers: 34K

Jason Bordoff

8. Jason Bordoff


Bio: Co-Founding Dean, @ColumbiaClimate; Founding Director, @ColumbiaUEnergy; Prof of Professional Practice, @ColumbiaSIPA; fmr energy advisor to Pres @BarackObama

Location: New York, NY

Followers: 32K

Alexander Kaufman

9. Alexander Kaufman


Bio: Senior reporter @HuffPost, on the climate, energy, and environmental politics beat. Reach me via: alexander.kaufman@huffpost.com, DMs, or the link below

Location: Queens

Followers: 27K

top environment social media influencers in us

10. Heidi Cullen


Bio: Comms Director @MBARI_News. Climate change, human health, ocean conservation. #scicomm. Author of The Weather of the Future. Lover of Labs. (she/her)

Location: Moss Landing, CA

Followers: 22K


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